Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Blokfeed exist?

Blokfeed exists to simplify your crypto news experience!

Blokfeed aggregates news articles from around the web every 15 minutes, produces daily briefs, and provides email alerts. Daily briefs highlight the market, the Fear & Greed index and trending topics. Where daily email alerts allowing you to keep up with what you are concerned with on a daily basis.

What is a saved search?

A saved search is a combination of entered search text and selected filters. After you search based on this criteria a save icon is presented allowing you to save the search.

Saving searches allows you to more easily find news articles you care about. An additional feature to saved searches are saved search alerts.

What are saved search alerts?

Saved search alerts are daily emails containing the days articles pertaining to your saved searches.

You are able to turn on or off all or some alerts. If you want to turn off all alerts you can by clicking the bell icon in your profile page. If you want to turn off a specific saved search you can click the bell icon from the saved search page.

Alerts currently are sent out at 6pm EST

What are the daily briefs?

Daily Briefs highlight the market, the Fear & Greed index and trending topics for the current day.

Daily Briefs currently are generated at 8:15pm EST